Avatar for Clo NDP

Clo Ndp

Private Tutor in Ely (also available for babysitting)

Female Member since Oct 2017 Last Updated Mar 2025 Last Login 18 Mar 2025

My Summary

DBS Check
Special Needs Experience
Full Driving Licence
Own Car
Newborn Experience
Art Tutor
Primary up to 11 years
Secondary 12+
Drama Tutor
Special Needs Tutor
Cookery Tutor
Emergency Babysitter

About Me

NB: Currently on sick leave looking to book new clients from the summer term (post Easter).

Hello ???? I’m Clo a mummy to two beautiful children 5 and under. I’m someone who loves to do sensory play, tell stories and problem solve to meet someones needs!

I have over 18 years professional experience as drama and creative arts facilitator, a special educational needs practitioner and as a family worker. I have babysitting and tutoring experience of over 22 years. I can provide services for more than one child and for children or young adults with complexed needs*.

My mantra:
“If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”
~Ignacio Estrada

I have a love of the arts, especially theatre; watching, directing and acting. I am a naturally creative person who emerges herself in arts and crafts, messy & sensory play, up-cycling and gardening. I also enjoy swimming, reading, cooking, camping, and spa days.

*If medical support is required (i.e epilepsy) I am willing to undertake training if provided.

My Experience

SEND Practioner, Drama Facilitator & Tutor. Intensive Family Support Worker, Advocate and Learning Disabilities Practitioner, with over 12 years work experience within children & young people and Learning Disability sectors. BSc Drama & Psychology (BPS) from Roehampton University. PGDip in Dramatherapy from Anglia Ruskin University.

Playful dragonflies replaces and encompasses my previous CAM tutoring.

I work well both on a 1:1 basis and within a group setting with service users. I can work autonomously and alongside colleagues. Confidential record keeping, produce reports and attend or run meetings.
As a Private Freelance Tutor - CAM Tutoring - I have supported children both with and without special needs. With SEN, EBMH, and support sibling work and family work also. I will generally work in the child's own home but libraries and other community locations can be arranged. I can also arrange to go into schools and network meetings if required.

I’m able to do a short term programme for change for instance help with giving up dummy’s or learning to share with siblings .

I will also work with children unable to attend school provisions be it through exclusion/truancy/trauma (possible bulling or family illnesses), if the school are unable to meet child needs or other special circumstances arise.

Does your family need support with home routines and visual timetables?

* Introducing ways of life to family’s new to special needs.
* Dummy/thumb/comforter - transitional object support (time to give it up)
* Supporting work with children and young people with learning disabilities and autism.
* Adapting teaching methods best suited to a child's individual needs.
* Advocacy, Listening to and conveying child's needs.
* I help and support children to learn through creative and playful methods.
* Liaising with parents, special and mainstream schools, SALT, OT, psychologists and social workers.
* Following Speech & Language therapy & OT programmes.
* Helping with homework.
* Holistic approach
* Advocacy
* Mentoring
* Family support
* Cookery classes
* Healthy eating and hygiene
* 1:1 academic support
* Multi-disciplinary work
* Team around the Family and Care around the Child meetings and active member.
* Record Keeping
* Report writing
* Rest-bite holiday activities - Weekend and school holiday activities available to provide rest-bite
*Being an extra pair of hands to single parents too overwhelmed to go on day trips and provide holiday activities alone.
*Helping child with Asperger's and or other needs with social interactions with peers.
* Setting up strategies for the teachers and child to use in school and at home
* Monitoring and supporting child to regulate behaviour
*Transition work
* Intensive Interaction (ii)
* 1:1 Support
* Teaching social stories.
* Playground and lunch time assistance
* Assistance to attend community clubs I.e. swimming or dance classes
* Literacy work, storytelling, making reading fun & Library visits
* Reading books beyond words
* Can lead drama sessions
* Puppetry
* Child led music making and singing sessions (I have various acoustic & percussion instruments)
* Arts Crafts and Messy Sensory Play and Activities
* Sibling work - Sibling rivalry, Shared Play, Developing a loving bond and friendships.
* Family Work - Setting boundaries, introducing ground rules, respecting one another, bonding, fun quality time activities.
* Life skills.

I can also work with homeschoolers and alternative provision students, teenagers and adults with learning disabilities. SEND provision 0-25yrs and transitions into and including adulthood.

My Qualifications

Anglia Ruskin University
Dramatherapy Postgraduate Diploma (level 7/8)
(Eligible to progress onto MA Dramatherapy HCPC BADTh -Dissertation.)

Roehampton University
Graduated in June 2008
2.1 BSc Hons Psychology & Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies.
(BPS Accredited.)

I have 4 A-levels B,C,D,E
9 GCSEs 1xA*, 1xA, 4xB, 3xC including a B in Math's, a C in English Language and C inEnglish Literature.

1 x GNVQ ICT Distinction (A,A,A,A)

CPD- continuing professional
development. I keep up-to-date with current
safeguarding procedures, signs of safety and
wellbeing and hold current CPD certificates.
Intensive Interaction
MAPA® Training: Management of Actual or Potential Aggression

My Availability

Currently on maternity leave however do feel free to contact.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Before School no no yes yes no yes yes
Morning yes yes no no no yes yes
Afternoon yes yes no no no no no
After School no no no no no no no
Evening no no yes yes no yes yes
Overnight no no no no no no no
Last Updated: 09/03/2025

My Fees

  • Babysitting from £14.50 per hour
  • Tutoring from £29.00 per hour

There will be an informal assessment and home visit where the needs of your child or family will be assessed and then I can tailor make tutoring sessions. Fees range from £29 per hour for one child. More children and block hours will be quoted within 24-48hrs once a visit has been made.

I may be able to help you access and apply for funding with you LEA and social work team.
I can travel and have a full drivers licence and work insurance allowing me to drive student passengers.

My Documents

  • UK Passport (added 20/10/2017)
  • DBS Check (added 19/10/2017)
  • Exam Certificate: Collaborative Working: A Whole Family Approach (added 10/03/2019)
  • Training Certificate: Literacy and the EYFS (added 23/10/2017)
  • Training Certificate: Signs of Safety and Wellbeing – 09/17 (added 20/10/2017)
  • Exam Certificate: Dramatherapy Postgraduate Diploma (level 7/8) (added 20/10/2017)
  • Exam Certificate: 2.1 BSc Hons Psychology & Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies. BPS Accredited. (added 20/10/2017)
  • Training Certificate: Multi-agency safeguarding children and young people from gangs–03/17 (added 19/10/2017)
  • Training Certificate: Safeguarding Child Protection Process and Procedures –05/17 (added 19/10/2017)
  • Training Certificate: Safeguarding Against Radicalisation–The Prevent Duty -05/17 (added 19/10/2017)
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