Avatar for ang100

Newcastle Upon Tyne

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5 stars

Kind, caring and flexible


Angela has looked after our daughter for the past year and a bit after we were put in the unfortunate position of having to urgently find a new childcare provider. Our needs were not simple with the most difficult requirement being that we often needed childcare for 13 hour days meaning early starts and late finishes. That, coupled with changing job patterns and irregular shifts made it hard to find someone to care for our daughter.

We are happy to say that we found Angela and have unquestionably appreciated her willingness, flexibility and caring attitude. She has a wonderful selection of toys and space in the back garden to play as well. With trips to various parks, and soft play and town visits to see museums and Christmas lights in the holidays. Angela has supported Harriet through potty training and provided her with a second home and family with whom she has been very happy to spend time.

Harriet has clearly enjoyed her time with Angela over the past year and has undoubtedly learned a lot, made friends, and had fun all at the same time. We really appreciate everything that Angela has done for us and feel that she has treated Harriet as though she is part of her family, with Harriet being involved in many activities and invited to a number of birthday parties with friends she has made whilst in Angela’s care.

Angela, thank you for everything you have done over the past year. We could not have done it without you.

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication

Response from ang100

Thankyou very much, I really do appreciate your comments, You are a wonderful family such loving caring people and always cheerful. I have enjoyed every minute of my time as Harriet's childminder she is a happy little girl who always puts a smile on your face. I will miss you all very much although its good to move on meet new people face new challenges along the way. I wish you all the best, please keep in touch.
