Ottery St Mary Primary School
Longdogs Lane, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1HY

Ottery St Mary Primary School is a foundation school school in Ottery St Mary. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 410 pupils and allows entry for children aged 5-11.
Below are the latest reviews for Ottery St Mary Primary School. Please note that reviews represent the subjective opinions of other members and not of
Parent of two current pupils
My children entered the school in year's 1 and 3 respectively having moved from out of area and have now been at the school for over two years.
I have always been happy with our choice of school - the facilities are good (few state primaries have their own swimming pool!) and the opportunity to do sports during the curriculum and at after school clubs are very good - Mr Smith who is head of PE is fantastic. There are plenty of other after school activities, co-ordinated by the teaching staff and regular social events organised by the PTA such as movie nights, discos and story nights.
There is a genuine family feeling to the school and the majority of the teachers, including the head are very approachable.
The school was Ofsted inspected in the summer of 2015, and although the grade fell I was not overly concerned as I am satisfied that the quality of teaching is good, and more importantly my children have always been happy there.
by Kirsty F about Ottery St Mary Primary School on 18/01/2016
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